Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Texts From Bennett

I LOVE BENNETT!!! This Bennett craze has really kept me laughing. Some folks have been saying that this is not real, no one can be this dumb, etc. But real or fake I applaud the creator. He found a way to make money off of making people laugh. Bennett has made my day plenty of times with what I like to call "#BennettLogic". This guy is so dumb it's funny! He is my Santa Claus and I refuse to believe is a made up! You nay-sayers will not convert me! BENNETT IS REAL! lol *goes to tumblr to laugh some more*

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Really Though?

Wait.. one.. minute.. Mattel actually gave this chick a barbie? That's it... I throw in my black card. I'm done. DONE! Now don't get me wrong. I respect Nicki M. for her hustle. She has really sold herself to mainstream media and it works for her, very well as you can see. But in the era of Barbie dolls and Ken Barbs we are telling our generation that it's okay to be plastic and sell your body to get what you want out of life. Idk about you my but niece is NOT getting one of these for Christmas. Not my niece, not my sister, not anybody I truely love. I will not support the demise of my culture and race (even though I did just trade in my black card). I mean between Lil' Wayne trying to get every man to wear jeggins and lip rings, and Nicki trying to get butt injections to be an OTC drug... what's next? Our priorites are really effed up. Do ya thing Miss Minaj, but this is cannot support.

A Nicki Minaj Barbie complete with butt injections, boob implants, and a rainbow wig collection.. Coming to a store near you!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Guy meets girl..blah blah blah

Everyone wants a relationship like this.. EVERYONE! I mean.. my relationship is nothing to fart (idk.. dont ask) at.. 4 years strong.. and still I want a relationship like this! Reality is.. even the people in the pic want their relationship to be "like this".. Are you getting it yet? NOTHING IS PERFECT. You are going to argue, you are going to fight. You are not going to like that person every waking minute of every day. Not gonna happen. We are setting ourselves up with the idea that everything has to start and end like a fairy tale. NOPE. Give me my bf with all of his flaws (I find them sexy anyway) and imperfections. Give me my arguments and fights and everything else that comes with a real relationship. Couples that don't argue are still in the beginning phase of their relationship. And they are annoying as hell. Ol'everything-is-all-good ass couples. Pshhh.. After those first couple of arguments shit gets real REAL fast.... I should know. ha. =) But really.. Stinka we should do something like this one day....

Trying this out...

Okay.. I am told that blogging is a fun way to release pinned up emotions from your soul, and well I love to write and connect with people so I figured, "Why the heck not". In between free time and down right bored out of my mind time I can dedicate myself to my writing and finally get some of these thoughts I have been holding back for too long out of my head. And if people happen to want to read and connect with me then, hey, that's a plus. So here lies, Zoe and her thoughts and her adventures... Enjoy.. or not.. whatever.